Predicting Barriers to Success in Nursing Education


Nursing education is the cornerstone of quality healthcare, providing students with the essential knowledge and skills for top-tier patient care. Ensuring the success of nursing students is crucial not only for their individual achievements but also for the overall improvement of healthcare systems.

Despite various strategies like surveys and early warning systems, many students still face significant challenges that hinder their academic progress. This study delves into these complexities and proposes a targeted intervention model to help every student thrive.


  1. Understand the Landscape: Identify the barriers nursing students face to improve their chances of success and reduce dropout rates.

  2. Predict Barriers Using Data: Use a detailed survey to predict obstacles students might encounter and intervene early.

  3. Prioritize Student Support: Optimize the use of limited resources by categorizing students based on risk levels to provide tailored support.

  4. Create a Scalable Model: Develop a robust early risk identification system that can be adapted for various educational settings.


  • Survey Deployment: Conduct surveys at the start and end of the academic term to assess learning strategies, social skills, academic mindset, and perseverance.

  • Quantitative Assessment: Use a Likert scale to categorize students into low, medium, and high-risk groups.

  • Intervention and Monitoring: Send personalized support emails to students based on their risk category and track their academic performance throughout the term.


  • Students utilizing mental health support services saw an average exam score increase of 2.5%.

  • 86% of students who engaged with individual faculty support improved their scores by an average of 1.8% per exam.

  • 90% of students benefited from passive support services, with an average score boost of 1.5% per exam.

  • Students who did not use any referred support services had a marginal increase of 0.2% per exam.

Pass Rate Improvement

  • The intervention increased the average pass rate for the first nursing term from 83% to 88%, and for the second term from 86% to 91%.


  • Effective Prediction and Intervention: Early risk identification systems significantly guide students towards success.

  • Optimized Resource Allocation: Tailoring support based on risk levels ensures efficient and impactful interventions.

  • Data-Driven Insights: Utilizing data to identify patterns and trends helps educators make informed decisions.

  • Mental Health Support: Prioritizing mental well-being alongside academic proficiency is crucial for student performance.

  • Future Blueprint: The study highlights the need for expanding mental health support and continuous improvement in educational strategies.


  • Establish comprehensive mental health programs.

  • Pair early risk identification systems with ongoing feedback.

  • Expand surveys to capture more detailed aspects of student life.

  • Engage faculty in identifying at-risk students.

  • Introduce peer-led support groups or mentorship programs.

  • Continuously evaluate and refine support resources.

  • Expand the study across multiple terms or academic programs.

  • Use technology to enhance early risk identification systems.

Download the Full Study

For a detailed understanding of this study and its findings, download the full PDF here.

By implementing these strategies and continuously refining our approach, we can create an educational environment where every nursing student has the opportunity to succeed and thrive.